Monday, October 11, 2010

Day of Days

Happy National Coming Out Day and Canadian Thanksgiving to all my gay and/or Canadian friends!  And to everyone in general, because who doesn't love fabulousness and feasting?  I know I love both things.

Sorry these posts have been a little thin lately.  Work is tiring, guys.  But most of you probably already know that because I'm sure most of you aren't lazy derelicts (like me), and many of you even have kids which is a job in and of itself.  But seriously, transitioning from a life of (impoverished) leisure to a life of (really pretty easy) toil kind of takes a lot out of you. 

Once I get used to my new schedule I promise this freak show will be back in full swing.  But today I have to work an 8-hour shift which is something I haven't done in a long time. 

So today - eat, drink, be merry, and above all else, be gay (proudly and openly, please)!

1 comment:

  1. In class we had to say one true short and interesting sentence about ourself as an icebreaker. One of my Chinese classmates, of which I have many, said the sentence, "I feel so gay today." It was during American coming out day.I giggle profusely.
