Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Still Not a Real Post

I'm sorry.


The other day, my blog had 34 hits from Kuwait, apparently.  That was almost as many hits as I had from within the US, so that's kind of really weird and possibly some kind of mistake.

Also, someone googled the phrase, "i pooped out a black olive," and found my blog.  I really hope this wasn't someone who read the post about Andy crapping out undigested food, and wanted to find it again.  In my heart, I want to believe that someone else in the world was experiencing the same extraordinary phenomenon.  And by the way - the second black olive has still not emerged.  Andy is convinced it will make a popping sound when it comes out, like uncorking a wine bottle, but I'm pretty sure it will go out not with a bang, but with a whimper.  And probably surrounded by things that were actually digested, thus causing it to pass undetected. 

Something else - I had a direct interaction with a certain Tote Bag Lady at one of my places of employment.  It was terrifying.  She is kind of surly when she isn't holding a gigantic mug of beer.

AND last but not least, I have another job interview tomorrow for a totally legit, full-time, benefits-having job.  Not a library job, but something that will keep me off the streets and let me go to the dentist.  Send some good vibes my way tomorrow, please.


  1. good luck with the legit-job interview. any job with a pay check is legit in my mind. just flash those pearly whites and wow them with your uber intelligence. and don't worry about the olive, i'm sure it has disintegrated. yuk

  2. I always hope I'll see my bubble gum on the other end, but I never do...

    Also, dental is AWESOME!

  3. Um, first comment would probably be creepy if I wasn't positive it was my mom. Thanks, mom! You should really start identifying yourself when you comment, although maybe it's funnier if you don't.
    MonsteRawr - did you swallow your gum 7 years ago? Cause you gotta wait a long time for that, apparently.

  4. Ahahaha...I just love seeing what search terms drive people to my site. For what it's worth, shitting a black olive is pretty epic.
