Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Interview Schminterview

If nothing else, I can now truthfully state that I have been to a job interview during which boar semen was mentioned.  Twice.  By two people.  In separate and unrelated instances.

The only other time I've ever had anyone bring up semen in an interview was the time I applied to be a custodian at a porn shop with viewing booths.  And I mean, the job title was 'Semen Removal Specialist' (used to be "Gizz Mopper" but OSHA said that method of cleaning was too slippery and dangerous, so the "SRS" was responsible for throwing down some of that barf sawdust the janitors in elementary school use, and I didn't even get that job) so that's kind of a given.

Actually, I'm kidding.  About the second thing.  I really had to talk about boar semen in this morning's interview.  What IS this place and how did I get here?  They expect to make a decision by the end of next week, so keep your fingers crossed, and if you happen to be a boar, keep your balls crossed or something.

P.S.  Is it just me or do the last few posts seem like they were written by a 14 year old boy?  I realize I've been talking about poop and farting and other bodily functions a lot lately.  Not that those topics are ever far from my mind, but I usually make an effort to incorporate other topics into my writing to create the illusion that I am a well-rounded individual.  But who am I kidding, you have probably all figured out the truth by now.


  1. Are you applying to be one of those people that inseminates barn animals? Because I heard that pays really well.

    Also, good luck!

  2. When oh when do we get to find out why this happened at your interview?
