Thursday, May 21, 2020

The Isolation Journals - Day 51

We're deep in our feelings this morning, and as usual, the pinnacle of my feelings, as you will see, is triangular and coated in cheese.  Spoiler alert:  It's Pizza.

Today's prompt comes from a fellow journaler and illustrator, Sky Banyes.

Prompt:  Write a “to-feel” list. Start by naming your deepest yearnings and aspirations. Then take a moment to reflect on each—to study your own feeling compass, teasing out the nuances of what each contains with more depth and specificity. You can make your list as a row or column, or lay them out in a fluffy brainstorming cloud. Feel free to use colors and to get creative.

Now, take a look at your list. Are your priorities, habits, and rituals serving these feelings? What steps can you take to honor the items on your “to-feel” list?


Docket of Shit to Feel

Wes-low's Hierachy



Inspired  /  Curious

the edge of Comfort and Discomfort -
where growth HAPPENS

calm  /  APPRECIATED  /  warm


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