Saturday, May 23, 2020

The Isolation Journals - Day 53

Schoooooool's out, for the summer.  Schooooool's out, forever!  Has never had more of a possible edge of truth to it.  What will happen in August?  Shrug emoji.

Prompt:  Write a variation on “This Is Just to Say” by William Carlos Williams. It could be a parody of an apology, or an homage to the everyday messiness that we often convey through to-do lists or passive-aggressive notes left on the kitchen table. Make it short, and make it snappy, and make it sweet.


by William Carlos Williams

I have eaten
the plums
that were in
the icebox

and which
you were probably
for breakfast

Forgive me
they were delicious
so sweet
and so cold


I'm Not Saying, I'm Just Saying

I have secreted
the empties
that you placed
in the sink

Which you must 
have been saving
for posterity
or utility

Find them
in your sock drawer
or placed back
in the sixpack

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