Sunday, July 5, 2020

Syllabus #60

I don't really care much for the 4th of July normally.  Doesn't even crack my list of top 5 reasons to buy a package of hot dog buns.   The more we confront the fact that freedom was not established for all Americans in 1776, and in many ways it still hasn't been fully extended, I think it's kind of a trash holiday.  This year, though, I'm semi-grateful for the day, just because it's a holiday that reminds us what the hell date it is.  Now maybe I can remember that it's not still March, because 4th of July happened.

I hope you had a safe weekend and your dog didn't stroke out during an hours-long illegal fireworks display.  Charlie calmly watched the fireworks from our balcony for a solid 20 minutes, in the chillest behavior he has ever exhibited, then started to get bent out of shape because he saw another dog down on the street.  

Crash and burn.

This is powerful is a trite thing to say, but damn.  Just read it.

Whoa!  That's one way to take matters into your own hands.

I'm not super into genre fiction but this interview with romance novelist Jasmine Guillory was highly education for me.  Guillory sounds like such a positive, organized person who genuinely enjoys her work.  I'm inspired.

And again this week, Slate has gifted me with another interview about how to get your ass in gear and write.  It's like the universe is sending me a sign.
 the transcript

What's going on with the fireworks everywhere?  Seriously.  The amount of fireworks I have heard explode in East Nashville in the past month, culminating in what I hope was the grand finale last night, is impressive.  What arsenal did y'all raid, and have they finally run out?  If toilet paper was as plentiful as fireworks, we'd all have been doing just fine this whole pandemic.

Deb Perelman of Smitten Kitchen baking up a hot fresh loaf of What The Fuck Is Society Thinking.

Finally, some good news.  Drop everything because we're 'bout to have ourselves an emergency meeting of the Baby-Sitters Club.  If you need me you can reach me on my rad clear telephone.


The Baby-Sitters Club Club podcast, of course.

The audio of the Taffy Brodesser-Akner interview

The audio of the Jasmine Guillory interview

Analog Reading:

Finished Hidden Valley Road by Robert Kolker.  It was a lot to digest.  I just couldn't get over the whole giving birth to twelve individual children thing.  That's like 9 years of being pregnant.  Hard pass.

Started Processed Cheese by Stephen Wright.  I'm into it but I can only hang with it in small doses.  It's an absurd satire of greed and late-stage capitalism that sort of makes me think of a literary love child between Chuck Palahniuk and Dave Eggers.  

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