Sunday, July 5, 2020

The Isolation Journals - Day 96

Prompt:  Set a timer for one minute and make a list of all the things that help you feel creatively unlocked—the sources you reach for, the tools you need, the objects that inspire you, the workspace and routines that feel generative.

Then, write about what this list reveals about you and your creative process.

*BonusMake a metaphorical shrine of your creative process—for example, illustrate it in your journal, render it in recipe form, arrange inspiring objects into a tableau, or put visual elements together into a collage. Snap a photo and share it on social media using #TheIsolationJournals.


Creativity Tools:

  • coffee
  • blank page
  • pencil (preferably mechanical)
  • time constraint
  • unlimited time
  • camera
  • people watching
I don't need a lot.  A splash of jet fuel to get me going, and then it's just a matter of time.  Time constraints can be just as stimulating as having a long, unbroken stretch of time, depending on the endeavor.  

I often have ideas for comedy bits or stories at the most inconvenient times.  When I'm in the middle of something like walking the dog, driving, working, or worse still, about to fall asleep.  This morning, I woke up to an email from myself, sent last night at 10:55 PM, which is normally way past my bedtime, however, all of East Nashville was going full Michael Bay with the unsanctioned pyrotechnics, but I digress.  

Subject:  Deviled aggs [sic]
Body:  Avocado with deviled egg mixture in the pit hole

Is that a great idea or a terrible one?  Please try it and report back.  Or don't.  I initially had the idea while I was walking the dog, and was so proud of it I mentioned it to Andy while we were watching the Unsolved Mysteries reboot on Netflix.  Sidenote - if you were wondering what's been missing from your life lately, it isn't social interaction, it's first-person accounts of unexplained paranormal/extraterrestrial encounters.  Disappointingly, Robert Stack is not involved because he has apparently been dead for the last 17 years (but he'll forgive me for not noticing, because he was already haunting my dreams long before his actual passing).  

Again, I digress.  But you see how this works.  One thing leads to another, and there's really no road map for where you'll end up when you just let your mind wander.  Sometimes you take the scenic route right back to where you started, and sometimes you end up in a brand new (weird) place.  

1 comment:

  1. I channeled the making of aggressive to you. I wish I had an avocado ��. Please print and frame your still life.
