Thursday, July 30, 2020

Ten Year Blogversary

One full decade ago, I was a pathetic unemployed person.  I was just married and we were living in the Idaho panhandle.  It was a weird and beautiful place, and a strange new time in my life.  I'm glad I had the experience, but I'm so glad we didn't live there for long.  I started this blog to document everything weird happing in little old Moscow, Idaho.  I thought I could generate income from the blog, but to this day I haven't earned a penny.  That should surprise exactly zero people. 

Today, ten years later, I am still arguably pathetic but now gainfully employed, still happily married, and living in Nashville.  It's been a journey.  We've crisscrossed the continent and moved almost more times than I have fingers to count, and this blog has taken a few hiatuses (hiati?  I want it to be that, but that's not a word, is it?) but here we are, still cranking it out. 

Please enjoy this picture of a glowing dumpster that may or may not be a portal to hell and/or another dimension, which is a pretty good metaphor for whatever this space has been and will continue to be.

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