Monday, June 1, 2020

The Isolation Journals - Day 62

Prompt:  If you were a visitor from another galaxy and you landed in America for the first time today, what would your prayer for the people be?


First, wow, you guys cannot imagine the traffic on the Kuiper Belt.  Unreal.  A total asteroid cut me off and I would have flipped him the bird but I did not on account of I have no fingers and steer my spacecraft using telekinesis.  It was a long ride and I have not used the John in light years.  Please pardon me while I freshen up.

Okay, where were we?  Oh yes, holy crap you guys.  What is your malfunction?  For eons, you've been struggling for power, one group subjugating another, creating systems to privilege one group over another as if the ability to thrive is a zero-sum game.    

And this is all based on...pigment?  Do I understand that correctly?  Is that not what you do?  You hate and oppress and commit acts of violence based on...flesh shades?  

So weird, you guys!  I know, I know, I have no face, no fingers, and I speak out of an orifice located where a human excretes waste, who am I tell from weird?  But you guys?  Have you really seen yourselves?  You must cut the crap.  At your core, you all want the same things - to be safe and loved; to be fed and sheltered; to be spiritually, creatively, or intellectually fulfilled.  Where in the universe did you get the idea that one shade of skin was better or worse or more or less deserving of those things?

You cannot magically undo those past wrongs or take away the pain they continue to cause, but you must do better and you better start yesterday.  I mean today.  Right this minute.  I keep forgetting you guys have not figured out time travel yet, but it is not surprising given the mess you have made.

Best of luck, and as they say on your planet, "See ya, wouldn't wanna be ya!"

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