Thursday, June 4, 2020

The Isolation Journals - Day 65

Prompt:  Describe the feeling of crying and all the different modes of crying to someone who has never cried before. What is the purpose of crying? Tears of joy, sorrow, and everything in between. What is that like? Try to avoid using abstract adjectives like “emotional” or “painful.” Fully key into the experience of crying—as a physical, psychological, and ritual experience.


Estos son mis lagrimas.

These are my tears.  A sentence I practiced in Spanish on Duolingo the other day.  Have you ever tried to define or describe something complex or profound in a language you are learning?  It can be frustrating when you lack the vocabulary to fluidly describe your thoughts, yet you often arrive at the essence of a thing when you are limited to concrete nouns and verbs and a few simple adjectives.

What are tears?  Why tears?

Water with salt.  They come from your eyes.
Maybe you're injured, or someone has died.
You've stubbed your toe, run over your cat,
Can't zip your pants 'cause you've gotten too fat.
Your partner has dumped you, your team lost the game.
The schoolyard bully has called you a name.
Crocodile tears, or tears of a clown.
Best dry it up soon or you'll very well drown.
Now here's a tissue to wipe off your snout,
Or I'll give you something to cry about.

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