Friday, June 5, 2020

The Isolation Journals - Day 66

Prompt:  Channel your most pure self—the you as a child. Many of us in this country have learned toxic ideology that has both intentionally and unintentionally oppressed others. It is so ingrained that often, we don’t even know how much we hurt our neighbors—and so, a great unlearning must occur. In the spirit of that unlearning, channel your childhood self. Then write a letter to your adult self, asking where you learned these things and why they may linger, even after you know better. Tell your adult self all the things you must unlearn to be a better lover of your neighbor.


Dear Grownup Katie,

I gotta say, I'm a little disappointed in you.  You go to bed early and you don't eat ice cream every day.  Why?  What's the point of having privileges if you don't use them?

SPEAKING of privileges, you big adult dummy, why aren't you using yours for good??

You gave some money to some causes, and that's cool.  Mom taught us to divide our money into spending, saving, and sharing funds, so you're doing alright there (but we both know you could have done better).  What else are you doing?  Really.  Be honest.  

Oh, you're...reading?  What else is new?  I mean, listening and learning are important, but not if you don't follow through with actions.  What else?  You're...sorry?  You feel guilty?  Again, what else is new?  Also, this isn't about you.  Your dumb feelings are kind of irrelevant right now.  Actions matter.  Actions!  You can feel your feelings all you want once ALL PEOPLE, emphasis on People of Color and the LGBTQ+ community, can BREATHE and feel safe and enjoy equal access to opportunities.  

I'm too young to know what it means to dismantle systemic racism, but I think that's something you should be working towards.  Go get 'em tiger.

Precociously Yours,

Kid You

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