Saturday, June 27, 2020

The Isolation Journals - Day 88

Prompt Complete the sentence: “If you really knew me...” You can write one or many of these statements. Then sit with them. Ask yourself: What would your life be like if people knew these things about you? How would your circle of friends change? What about your job?


If you really knew me, you would know that...

...I squander hours trying to oust that one rogue chin hair.

...I'm totally lying, that chin hair brought his friends.  There's like 7 of those bad boys.

...I don't give a rip about germs but a mess really stresses me out.

...I'm the Bizarro World version of the adult I planned to become - uptight, rigid, joyless, following arbitrary financial, lifestyle, and dietary rules that I set for myself, in bed by 10 and up by 6 for no earthly reason even in a friggin' pandemic.  Any attempt to appear chill or carefree is a poorly constructed facade. 

...I turn everything into a joke because if I've already made fun of myself I'm depriving you of the opportunity to say anything worse.

...I, an adult woman, have, in fact, shat myself while running.  I will not tell you the number of times, not because I am ashamed, but because I have legitimately lost count.  Lest you think I'm some kind of monster, I will say that it's likely somewhere north of 4 but definitely south of 8, and I am referring to a span of over 10 years, which seems like a pretty acceptable average if you're open to the idea that more than once in a lifetime is ever acceptable.  Also I run frequently and eat a lot of fiber and sometimes these things just happen, what do you want from me?

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