Saturday, June 20, 2020

The Isolation Journals - Day 81

Prompt:  Write a letter from a burning building. You are trapped and will not be able to escape. No rescue. You know this is the last thing you will ever write. Who will you write to? What will you say?


First, I have some questions.  Am I alone in the burning building?  How is this letter surviving the blaze?  Is this an email situation, is there a carrier pigeon, is this magical realism?  Let's just go with it.  Let's go for broke and lay it all out there.
Dear Andy, 

I know you always worry that I'll die first because you don't know how to access our accounts or pay the bills.  Good news.  I changed the usernames and passwords on all our accounts to something easy to remember:  NeverGonnaGiveYouUp / NeverGonnaLetYouD0wn*

That's right.  You've been Rick-rolled by your dead wife.  I hope you can find love again, but you better not ever forget me (or the new password).

Dear Mom, 

I'm still sorry about that time I peed the bed on purpose.  You've been a wonderful mother.  I don't believe in an afterlife, but I'll see what I can do about haunting you.  That would be pretty neat, wouldn't it?  Not like a scary ghost, I know you wouldn't be into that.  A helpful ghost.  The kind that unplugs the iron when you forget, finds your glasses when you misplace them, and scrawls positive affirmations in the shower steam on your bathroom mirror.  Just don't be alarmed if that starts happening, is what I'm saying.


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