Friday, June 19, 2020

The Isolation Journals - Day 80

Prompt:  How did you learn (or how are you learning) to balance work and play?


How to balance work and play?  That has me feeling some Home Alone vibes like Kevin McCallister.

This is a skill that maybe doesn't need to be explicitly taught, but I'm still struggling to learn it.  The past few months have NOT helped.  I'm going to have to seriously re-learn some semblance of routine and work ethic when our school system eventually reopens.

The distinction between work and play is a gray area for me.  I feel like I've been so lazy all this time, but in reality, I have stuck to a pretty rigid routine, and have even written a 15-page short story (what do I do next?  How do I get in on that sweet sweet rejection letter action?).  Every day, without fail, it's walk the dog, eat breakfast, write in the journal, practice Spanish, yoga, exercise, read, take the dog out, make dinner, clean up, walk the dog.  

That sounds like living the dream, honestly, but the Groundhog Day-ness of it has made even the more enjoyable parts feel like work.  When you force yourself to do what you would normally enjoy, does that make it work?  Does it count as work if you're not being paid?  What about emotional and physical labor within the home?  Not to accuse men across the board of slacking on that front, but I think we women know plenty about unpaid work in the home.  Where do we draw the line?

I have to cut this short because I'm going to do some (unpaid) work outside the home.  That's another question.  Volunteering - is it work or play or something in between?  Is this a binary system or a work/play spectrum?

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